Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Strip the weights

I think my theme for the autumn season is "vulnerable". I'm not perfect, I don't claim to be. Whether it be in my faith, my diet, my workout, my work, as a mom, whatever, we all have faults. The important thing is to grow from these and recognize where they lie. The point of my posts are not to brag about my journey, how much weight I've lost or my walk with Jesus. They are to help motivate you to find something your passion.

I never ever thought I would become passionate about something like being a beachbody coach. I am not the epitome of a personal trainer. I don't have that kind of motivation. I am still lazy and would much rather sit on the couch watching tv during nap time than think about how painful it is to walk back upstairs after my workout. Leg day is still brutal, especially when the only working toilet you have is on a different floor and you drink a gallon a day! But I have found that in this journey, I feel better about myself, my clothes fit better. I get complements about how much weight I've loss.
Because of my coach, I have been challenged to also find time to spend with God daily. Something that I have struggled with because of being a busy working mom. I used to use nap time to clean the house or catch up on gossip, but now I work out, take a quick shower and spend a few minutes in my Bible, when all the thoughts come rushing out you get a blog. :)

I have been amazed at the power God has. Prior to being challenged by Crystal, I bought a devotional called "Everyday Faith." by Katie Orr. It was discussed on one of the 'mom' podcasts I listen to. It's a 15 minute daily devotion for those who don't have a lot of time, (insert me). Over the last few lessons I've done my eyes have been opened at how perfect this was for me at the time.
Yesterday's lesson focused on Hebrews 12:1-2.  I'm sure you've heard it. "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith,who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God." 

'Let us strip the extra weight that slows us down.'

Now, this isn't necessarily talking about physical weight or pounds, however it could still be relevant. Today, I set aside my heavier weights during one exercise because I was tired. I thought about how I previously hadn't been able to do so because that much weight used to be a part of me. I have lost the amount of dumbbells I sat on the floor today. I feel so much better about that.
Yet, this passage talks about dropping what is robbing us from our time with God, even if they are good things.  Things that we don't realize may be holding us back from our faith journey. This hit home for me on another reason which I can't talk about publicly yet, however my attitude, my personality and my well being were at odds with how I wanted to live my life, so I jumped out of my comfort zone again and took a risk. Whether or not that risk will pay off is yet to come. But I felt pulled to do something and I know now that where I am, is holding me back. As a Christian, we must fight to remove what gets in the way in our journey, even if its a good thing.

What's holding you back? Where do you want to be next year or even next week? Does something in your life need a change? I encourage you to do a personal inventory and lay it all out to God about what's on your mind. He will most definitely walk this race with you and show you exactly where you need to be. What's your passion? Are you doing something truly meaningful in your life or just going through the motions?


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