Saturday, October 24, 2015

"Did you cut your hair?"

As many know, I cut my hair recently. Now for most this isn't blog worthy news and I'm not writing this to draw attention to myself and put myself on a pedestal that I'm better than you. My hair simply grows pretty quickly and because I'm "low-maintenance" I choose to cut it once a year or once every other year. Thus, I am able to donate 10+ inches regularly. Which is what I did again this year.
After talking with many people and other information going around the interwebs, I decided to change my usual donation from Locks of Love to Pantene Beautiful Lengths. The reason for this was purely personal. I still love the mission of Locks of Love. However, recently, we have been affected by cancer in our adult friends. Cancer has, unfortunately, been a big part of my life. I remember when my mom was going through treatments and I didn't want her to go anywhere without her wig. This has stuck with me since 4th grade, so I have wanted to do what I can to help other women not have to worry about the expense of wigs. Growing my hair is a free way to help out others and I normally get a free haircut out of it. :)

Pantene partners with the American Cancer Society to provide wigs for women.  Pantene also accepts hair as short as 8 inches, so don't let the 10 inches you normally hear scare you! To find out more information you can check out there site here.
Not my picture: Source
The process is pretty simple. Most salons are familiar with how to cut the hair for donation. It just needs to be in a pony tail and at least 8 inches. You then mail it in, in a padded envelope. Simple!
I definitely encourage you to try to donate.

I wrote this a few years ago when I donated and was getting a lot of comments. It's not about me, it's about helping out someone else.  

I don’t do it for the attention.
I don’t do it for the comments.
The “Wow you cut your hair!” ‘s
Or the “Oh it looks so cute!” ‘s
I don’t do it because I have to.
No, I simply do it for her.
I do it for the little girl who
wants to run around with pig tails and ribbons.
I do it for the teenager who
wants a cute up-do for prom.
For the mother of two
Who once joked about pulling her hair out;
And now cries when she really can…
I do it because I can
For everyone who can’t.
With hopes that some day
If I need it, I’ll have choices.
Granted the comments are enjoyable
And the attention is too
But that’s not why I do it.
I do it because I can.
It’s simply what I do.

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